AS UBE3A Mutation

UBE3A Mutation (11% of AS individuals)



               The UBE3A gene located inside the 15q11-13 region seems to contain all the genetic mechanisms that lead to ASUBE3A is dubbed the “critical gene” responsible for AS, but its particular purpose is unknown.[1][2]Imprinting Inheritance[3]




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  1. Roggenbuck, Jennifer Ann, MS, CGC. "Angelman syndrome." Gale Encyclopedia of Genetic Disorders. Ed. Brigham Narins. Online. Detroit: Thomson Gale, 2008. Science Resource Center. Gale. 26 October 2009
  2. Genetics 101. Web. 1 Nov 2009. .
  3. UBE3A and Imprinting. Web. 2 Nov 2009. .