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Krucina Dyslexia 3

Page history last edited by Kyle Archer 2 14 years, 6 months ago



who are some famous people that have dyslexia?


what are the different effects of dyslexia?[1]


how does dyslexia affect a certain group of people or race?


what chromosomal difference is there between a dyslexia and a normal person?


where can you go to get more information thats reliable? 


  1. image:http://www.dyslexia-africa.com/images/dyslexia-handwriting-pencil.jpg

Comments (1)

rryoung@... said

at 7:27 am on Mar 11, 2010

You've got a good start, Kyle. Remember to write in your own words though. Your answer to question #3 needs to be reworked because of this.

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