
Coping with AS Per 2

Page history last edited by Joseph Wells 15 years, 2 months ago


Simple changes to daily routines can help with coping of Angelman Syndrome. Having structure and order to life helps to not overwhelm the mind. Finding certain communication techniques that work well in the home environment, should be used outside and in public areas. Using alerts and alarms is a good way to keep order and attention.




A mother laughing with her daughter affected by AS


People affected by Angelman Syndrome can lead normal life spans. Early detection and diagnosis are important for dealing and coping with this disorder. The disorder does not continue to progress throughout life, which is why finding a proper diagnosis of Angleman Syndrome is very important in the early stages. Symptoms such as seizures and motor delay digress with age. There currently is no cure for Angelman Syndrome, however, people take sleep medication and anti-seizure medication to lessen the symptoms.




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  1. "Angelman syndrome ." Job access. Tuesday, 24 March 2009 . Web. 29 Oct 2009. .
  2. "Angelman Syndrome." Medicinenet.com. 1996-2009. Web. 29 Oct 2009. .

Comments (1)

rryoung@... said

at 9:31 am on Oct 29, 2009

More here...needs links to support of detection sites.
Also, remember your pictures need to be pertinent to this page. This picture seems generic - or, if its not, add a caption.

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