
Diagnosis of Huntington's Disease 2

Page history last edited by Emily Mason 15 years, 3 months ago

  Huntington's Disease Home Page


When to See Your Doctor

If you notice marked changes in your movements, emotional control, or mental abilities, these may be signs of the onset of Huntington's Disease.  It is important that you inform your doctor of these symptoms and talk to him/her about the possibility of you having HD.  For Mayo Clinic's guide on what to expect at this appointment, click here.


Presymptomatic Testing

If you are concerned that you may have Huntington's but have not yet experienced any symptoms, there are certain tests that can be done to determine whether or not you have the disease.[1]  Talk to your doctor if you are interested in having this testing done.


Postsymptomatic Testing

At your first appointment, your doctor will take a complete medical history, perform a physical exam, and ask you various questions about your symptoms.[2]   If he/she believes you may have HD, there are several things he/she might suggest that you do.  First, a psychiatric evaluation may be requested to further assess your mental and cognitive symptoms.  A CT scan or MRI could be ordered to rule out any other problems and diagnoses.  Genetic testing (analysis of your DNA) can help immensely in the confirmation of the diagnosis of HD.  Lastly, you will probably be sent to a genetic counselor, who can help you better understand and cope with your situation. (2)  NOTE:  Make sure that the genetic testing center you work with follows HDSA's genetic testing guidelines and provides you with both pre- and post-test counseling.  You can find genetic testing centers in your area at HDSA's genetic testing center locator.




  1. "NINDS Huntington." National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 15 May 2009. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Web. 1 Nov 2009. .
  2. "Huntington's Disease." MayoClinic.com. 08 May 2009. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Web. 1 Nov 2009. .

Comments (1)

rryoung@... said

at 8:40 am on Oct 29, 2009

Pictures? Color?

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