
Breast Cancer Tests and Diagnosis 3

Page history last edited by Taylor Heidorn 15 years, 3 months ago

Tests & Diagnosis





     1.    Breast Self Exam(Starting at age 20; check every month)



2.     Ultrasound(to check for lumps)



3.     Mammogram(X-ray of the breast to check for tumors)



4.     Biopsy(removal of breast tissue to check for malignancy)



5.     Breast MRI( to check for tumors)



6.     If tumors are found and malignant, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, and hormone treatments may be considered.[1][2]







  1. "Breast Cancer Treatment." WebMD. 2005. Web. 29 Oct 2009. .
  2. http://www.christchurchradiology.co.nz/assets/images/Breast-Mammography-Film.jpg

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