Sickle Cell Anemia 3

What is sickle cell anemia/disease?

Sickle Cell Anemia is a serious disease in which the red blood cells are sickle shaped or C shaped.  Sickle Cell is only one type of anemia. Normal red blood cells are disc-shaped and move easily through the blood vessels. Whereas, sickle cells cannot. Sickle cells also contain abmormal hemoglobin. Since the sickle cells contain abnormal hemoglobin, it makes them stiff and sticky and can cause blocks in the blood vessels. These blocks can cause serious pain and also damage major organs in the body.





Macromolecules and Biochemistry  






Are you at risk?




Cell Division






Who it Affects 


Organizations and Support Groups 




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Ally Gatmaitan and Alex Schwent





  1. "Sickle Cell Anemia." National Heart Lung and Blood Intitute . 00082008. U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services, Web. 27 Oct 2009. .
  2. "Normal and Sickled Red Blood Cells." Sickle Cell Anemia. Web. 27 Oct 2009. .