
Achondroplasia 3

Page history last edited by Joshua Miller 15 years, 3 months ago



 By Nathan Jeffers and Josh Miller 







Symptoms and Diagnosis


Treatment and Management












  1. http://www.cardboardcutouts.com/0390.jpg

Comments (16)

rryoung@... said

at 9:47 am on Oct 29, 2009

You are off to a good start. Remember to cite where you got your information from...I don't see that anywhere yet. Also add pictures and headings to make the wiki more interesting to look at. Videos from YouTube or TeacherTube work well too.

William Etienne said

at 10:23 am on Nov 4, 2009

The Amniocentesis picture does a great of explaining the details of the CV testing. We included this picture as well, great idea!

Dylan Caudill said

at 10:28 am on Nov 4, 2009

I like how you explained the risks of the limb lengthening surgery. Also, you did a good job explaining the other surgeries and treatments used for people with achondroplasia. It was very detailed and provided a lot of information.

Tina Le said

at 10:30 am on Nov 4, 2009

I liked how you explained in depths and put achondroplasia in layman's terms so that everyone can understand it. Try some pictures on the front page! =]

Julie Swihart said

at 10:30 am on Nov 4, 2009

I like how you show the specific location of the gene and tell its function of controlling the growth of the humerus and femur. It explains why people with this disorder have shorter bones.

Alysse Gatmaitan said

at 10:34 am on Nov 4, 2009

The treatment and management page was very interesting and thorough. It is shocking to hear the drastic treatments achondroplasia dwarfs must go through.

Zachary McCormack said

at 10:36 am on Nov 4, 2009

Good use of pictures to get your point across. I see you took a few pointers from Cystic Fibrosis, nice work.

Emily Ryan said

at 10:37 am on Nov 4, 2009

The little diagram that showed how it was inherited was very helpful. Also i can't believe that anyone would want to go through that bone growth surgery it sounds very painful and very dangerous and you only get a few inches!

Joshua Miller said

at 10:42 am on Nov 4, 2009

This page is awesome. im pretty sure im speaking for the whole class when i say its by far the best one. Def a+ deserving

Tyler Lasky said

at 10:54 am on Nov 4, 2009

The pictures really display the stubby appearance of achondroplasia patients. Definition page seems slightly unnecessary, but I think there's probably a video there.

Alexandrea Schwent said

at 10:13 am on Nov 5, 2009

i didn't know that achondroplasia could be detected during pregnancy. i think its very interesting that with the technology we have today, that is possible.

Zachary McCormack said

at 10:14 am on Nov 5, 2009

Good project, although a little more depth would be nice. I found it interesting that achondroplasia is a dominant trait. I also thought the picture on the causes page clearly illustrated the inheritance of the disorder.

Dylan Caudill said

at 10:14 am on Nov 5, 2009

I found it interesting that there is a limb lengthening surgery that can actually help make them taller. Also, including the complications and risks that can arise from it was good to add.

Ross Didelot said

at 10:27 am on Nov 5, 2009

It's good that people with this disorder are still able to live normal lives. Plus, I thought it was interesting that surgery is really the only method of treatment.

Matthew Riggen said

at 10:40 am on Nov 5, 2009

I didn't know that achondroplasia caused cerebral fluid buildup, although I suppose it makes sense. What happened to the picture?

Ashley Gonzalez said

at 10:58 am on Nov 5, 2009

That's interesting that for surgery if there is fluid buildup in the brain it will make surgery unavoidable and they will have to open the skull to prevent the spinal cord from compressing. That's seems like surgery that would need to be done very carefully.

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