
Treatment for William's Syndrome 2

Page history last edited by Hannah Jenkins 15 years, 3 months ago

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 Since William's Syndrome is very rare, complex, and uncommon, there is no cure. Patients, instead, are treated for specific symptoms throughout the duration of their lives. 



Source: www.cafamily.org 


Specific Symptom Treatment

William’s Syndrome patients are kept on cardiovascular monitors to check for medical problems, such as narrowing blood vessels, high blood pressure, and heart failure.


 Multidisciplinary Clinics 

 Multidisciplinary Clinics are a type of medical center that specialize in one disease, but treat many symptoms tied to that disease. Several of these are placed around the United States for William's Syndrome patients:


                                                                                                     Source: www.walshlab.org






Comments (1)

rryoung@... said

at 8:26 am on Oct 29, 2009

Links to websites for the city's clinics.

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