
Do I Have Breast Cancer 2

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Do I Have Breast Cancer?

Mammography- Mammography is the process to detect breast cancer using an X-ray machine that produces images of the breast tissue. The machine used to do this squashes breasts between two smooth surfaces spreading out the tissue making it easier for a clear image to arise. The image produced, called a mammogram, is black and white and is observed by a highly trained physician. 15 percent of the time, standard mammogram tests fail. There are three types of mammograms out there; diagnostic mammograms, screening mammograms, and the newest, full field digital mammograms. Diagnostic mammography is used to diagnose breasts that are already showing symptoms such as lumps or breast pain. Screening mammography is used for those breasts that do not show any symptoms at all. Full field digital mammography is a new method that produces a computer image of the breast, said to be more accurate than the standard mammogram. It is recommended that women around the ages of 40-50 get a mammogram every year. [1]


This is the standard machine used for a mammorgram. [2]


Self Exam- The most successful way to battle breast cancer is to find it early. A good way to stay on top of this is to perform self exams. While performing a self exam you should look for changes in the breasts such as lumps or thickening of the tissue by looking at your breast as well as feeling it with your fingers. It is suggested that self examination should start in your 20’s and be continued regularly. The best time of the month to perform this exam is three to five day after the last day of your menstrual cycle. If you are not sure how to perform a self exam, take a look at the 11 tips provided by WebMD.[3]


**Note: It is very common for women to find lumps in their breasts at some point in their lives (around 40% of all women).  Many of the lumps found are not cancerous. Do you really have cancer, or is it just another lump? To find out the difference between fact or fiction click here.



  1. Smith, Suzanne J. "Mammography." World Book Student. World Book, 2009. Web. 26 Oct. 2009.
  2. Smith, Suzanne J. "Mammography." World Book Student. World Book, 2009. Web. 26 Oct. 2009.
  3. Nazario, Brunilda. "Breast Cancer Self Exam." WebMD. 30 Jun 2009. Web. 27 Oct 2009. .

Comments (1)

rryoung@... said

at 8:16 am on Oct 29, 2009

CIte picture. Good links on this page. Add: color

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