Things to Do at Coffee Talk Meetings
Our last meeting is Thursday, May 22-- what should we do?
The whole redo the book cover thing didn't work out so well -- why not? Please give me some feedback. Were the books bad or didn't you give them a chance? :)
Please feel free to add to this list. I've left space below each idea for you to provide feedback.
- Read the same book for our last meeting in May. We could read A Thousand Splendid Suns or The Book Thief and discuss it. What do you think? Would you be willing to buy the book?
- Make a commercial for Coffee Talk to be aired next year. We need to get more people involved - do you think a commercial would help? (It worked for the reading contest.)
- Encourage people to get on this page!! Tell all of your friends about it and ask them if they like it or not. that way we can make some improvements.
- Go on a field trip...Barnes and Noble? Or have them come and visit us?
- In May, the Avon-Washington Township public librarian will be coming to talk with us about the summer reading program. Can you make it? Are you interested in this
- Every one make a summarized cartoon of their favorite book. (I like this idea -- what would we do with the finished products? -- Mrs. Y)
- Have a end of the year party. with prizes. Have printed invitations. (This sounds like fun -- make certain you bring more details to the meeting this week! -- Mrs. Y)
Created by Mrs. R. Young, Library Media Specialist
Avon High School
Avon, Indiana
Created April 6, 2008
Last Updated April 13, 2008
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