How to Comment on a Wiki
1. To make a comment, choose the Wiki topic page of your choice.
2. Make certain you are logged in to the wiki.
3. Click on the Comment button in the top tool bar.
4. Type your comment.
Comments should be detailed and specific to a portion of the wiki.
Good Wiki Comment
"I liked how the beginning graphics helped to clarify the global warming information. The information was laid out in a way to understand it easily. I also liked the debate video."
"Very nice wiki! The organized fashion of your material made it very easy to read. I never realized Americans recycle so much waste! I was confused because the graph shows a certain percentage of recycled material was glass and then you listed glass under a material that is non recyclable... I think you need to check the credibility of what you wrote."
(The above were taken from real student comments.)
Bad Wiki Comment
I like the colors that you used. Good design! This rocks!
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