Energy Efficiency
Presented By
Amy, Diane, and Mindy
"Efficiency is doing better what is already being done; Effectiveness is doing the right things." - Peter Drucker
Energy efficiency can mean different things for different people. Energy efficiency could be trying to enhance a piece of technology to its fullest potential, or it could mean creating or finding a more effective method for achieving a goal.
Energy efficiency is a good thing.
Transportation and Business
Personal Energy Efficiency
Dangers of Energy Inefficiency

From CartoonStock
Eco Wiki Home Page
Comments (7)
sportygirlsrule@... said
at 1:25 pm on Feb 21, 2008
I really like the quote and introduction you have. It is an effective way to introduce the topic with a general statement.
avonxtreme25@... said
at 10:50 pm on Feb 21, 2008
The Energy Efficiency Wiki goes with the whole "Go Green" theme, as the majority of the text is that color. To make the Wiki better, one may use some more bulleted statements rather than so much of the paragraph form; and, one could also elaborate on the "Dangers" page. Overall, this Wiki is VERY good because it benefits both the environment and the consumer!!!
weirdo247@... said
at 9:40 am on Feb 22, 2008
I really like how you organized your wiki into separate pages. It made it easier to find the information. Although I like the color green, it was a little annoying and it made it hard to read. Overall though very good job.
sporty89@... said
at 9:45 am on Feb 22, 2008
Good job, i liked how you gave some examples of how we can help be efficient. nice pictures and info. well organized and easy to read.
xdeadman13@... said
at 9:50 am on Feb 22, 2008
I do everything i can to be energy efficient, and i like how your wiki flows easily and informitive, yet letting the people reading it know that they need to do something about the issue of conserving energy.
jtanaskovich@... said
at 10:00 am on Feb 22, 2008
Great comics! Your information was very informative, and your handout was easy to follow. I also liked the examples you gave on being energy efficient at home.
grantm2009@... said
at 10:01 am on Feb 22, 2008
Very good site! There's so many pages and links to it, I'm not even going to lie and say I know how you did it. The whole site flows very well with the hand out and the funny pictures were a nice touch to keep the readers attention. Excellent job.
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