Coffee Talk Wiki
Don't forget about the Summer Reading Program at the Avon-Washington Township Public Library. We'll here about it during 6th period on Thursday, May 8 in the Media Center.
wikiwelcome.wav - Click here for directions on to how to use the wiki (it takes a little while to open...please be patient).
“Be an, surf the internet, visit customers, enjoy arts, watch children anything to prevent yourself from becoming a prisoner of your knowledge, experience, and current view of the world.” - Charles Thompson
This wiki is open to anyone at Avon High School who is interested in discussing books, authors and any kind of reading. It is a collaborative forum for you -- please feel free to add to this ongoing work.
See Mrs. Young in the Media Center for the invite key (password) to be able to collaborate on this wiki.
What is a wiki anyway?
We all know what Wikipedia looks like and even though we've been told not to use it, sometimes we still fall back into old habits. Now is your chance to design a Wikipedia-like page by editing this Coffee Talk Wiki. Go ahead and take a look at Wikipedia right now (Don't be afraid...Mrs. Young says it's OK!). What things do you notice about the main page? What types of information are included?
You should especially notice:
links to:
- other websites
- similar subjects
- pictures
- words
- citations
- Save frequently. I've learned from experience, so please take my word for it.
- You will have full access to the wiki, so please make certain that you don't change things that you aren't supposed to!
- Cite, graphics, anything you take from anyone else. I know it isn't fun, but we want to make certain that we don't steal information from others (otherwise known as plagiarism).
- In order to edit pages, you will need to log in, put your first name and last initial (I would be Robyn Y.) and include your email address.
- When you log in, click off of "Notify me of changes."
- Be creative! This is something new and you can do anything you want with it. If you aren't sure if it is OK, just ask.
Helpful Hints -- this provides you with information on how to edit the wiki.
Other sources for free wikis that you might try on your own:
PB Wiki (that is what this wiki uses)
Google Sites
Wiki Spaces
The sites below provide you with other areas of the wiki on which you may add information:
Book Talks -- describe your favorite books here
Reviews -- books that you like or don't like
Top five lists -- leave your favorite
Things to do at Coffee Talk-- leave suggestions here about what you would like to do at our meetings
Graphic novels -- Do you read graphic novels? Are you looking for new GNs to read?
All book covers throughout this wiki are taken from: "Avon High School Catalog." Avon High School - Home. 2008. Avon Community School Corporation. 7 Apr 2008 <>.
Created March 22, 2008
Last Updated April 13, 2008
Mrs. R. Young, Library Media Specialist
Avon High School
Avon, Indiana
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