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Dawes, the son of an American army general, attended local schools


before graduating from Marietta College, Ohio, 1884 and from


Cincinnati Law School in 1886.


                  Marietta College                                           Cincinnati Law School



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He then began practising law in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 1894 he gave up


law and combined a career in business and finance with his interests in


Republican Party politics. In 1896, he was appointed by President


McKinley to the position of Comptroller of the Currency and retired in





  Commissioned in 1917, Dawes had a distinguished


career in the US army during the First World War


and was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general


and decorated both by his own country and by


Britain, Italy, France, and Belgium.




In 1921 President Harding appointed Dawes to the


newly created post of Director of the Budget.


This led to his selection as head of the American 


delegation to theReparation Commission in 1923,


the outcome of which, the "Dawes Plan" made his 


name famous in international politics and made him a joint winner,


with Sir Austen Chamberlain, of the Nobel Prize for Peace, 1925.




Invited by President Coolidge to be his running mate, Dawes was


elected Vice-President in 1925 and served until 1929. Then he was


appointed by President Hoover to serve as US ambassador to Britain.


He held this position until 1932, when he returned to America and the


appointment of president of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation.









Charles dawes Biographical Information






Page created by:  Olivia P.

Avon High School, Avon, Indiana

Date created: 4/05/08 

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