Klinefelters Syndrome
Figure 1 
In 1942 there was a doctor, Dr. Klinefelter, who discovered this disorder. They published a report of men with enlarged breasts, small testes that are unable to produce sperm. This disorder is very serious. Later on in the early 1950's they discovered that it results in having an extra chromosome. So instead of just being XY it would be XXY as shown above in figure 1. About 1 in 500 to 1,000 men have this disorder.
Figure 2 Dr. Klinefelter
Babies with Klinefelter's develop slower than normal children. They are weak and it's harder for them to walk around or even crawl sometimes. When the boys grow older they have control problems. They are either overly aggresive or extremely emotional and immature.
Rehabilitation for Klinefelters or Cures
Comments (4)
rryoung@... said
at 11:12 am on Jan 8, 2010
Great start -- I really like it so far! Check your spelling of testosterone on the second page. Keep up the good work!
rryoung@... said
at 2:01 pm on Jan 12, 2010
Remember to put your sources in MLA format using bibme.org.
jgeckert@avon-schools.org said
at 9:17 pm on Jan 12, 2010
Make sure you have references your pictures in some form to explain them. For example when you mention Dr. Klinefelter you could put (Figure 2) next to his name. I assuming that is him in the picture. You could also reference Fig. 1 when you talk about the chromosomes.
Cole Shields said
at 8:14 am on Jan 13, 2010
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